Funny Dog Names

Some people prefer to give their dog a name that is somewhat on the funny side.  Although you will probably appreciated the funny name more than the dog it can be something to describe the dog or just something to get a laugh.  Here are some of my favorites.

Asker (sounds like ask her) Havoc
Augie Hot Dog
Bark Obama Houdini
Barkimus Prime Humper
Barkley Jabba D’Hut
Beano Kay Nine
Burrito Licks
Chewey Lunch Box
Chomperz Lune A-tic
Cocaine Meatball
Credit Miss Puddles
Dangles Miss Steak
Diggums Mister Puddles
Digsby Mutt Romney
Dixie May Drizzle Naughty
Dogzilla Psycho
Doorstop Road Kill
Drooley Smooch
Dunderhead Snarles
Duno Snarles Barkley
Farticus Spiggot
Fidget Tinkles
Fugsly Trouble
Gobler Woofie Goldburg
Goofus Wrinkles
Guess (as in “What’s your dogs name?” Guess) Yoda


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