Some people prefer to give their dog a name that is somewhat on the funny side. Although you will probably appreciated the funny name more than the dog it can be something to describe the dog or just something to get a laugh. Here are some of my favorites.
Asker (sounds like ask her) | Havoc |
Augie | Hot Dog |
Bark Obama | Houdini |
Barkimus Prime | Humper |
Barkley | Jabba D’Hut |
Beano | Kay Nine |
Burrito | Licks |
Chewey | Lunch Box |
Chomperz | Lune A-tic |
Cocaine | Meatball |
Credit | Miss Puddles |
Dangles | Miss Steak |
Diggums | Mister Puddles |
Digsby | Mutt Romney |
Dixie May Drizzle | Naughty |
Dogzilla | Psycho |
Doorstop | Road Kill |
Drooley | Smooch |
Dunderhead | Snarles |
Duno | Snarles Barkley |
Farticus | Spiggot |
Fidget | Tinkles |
Fugsly | Trouble |
Gobler | Woofie Goldburg |
Goofus | Wrinkles |
Guess (as in “What’s your dogs name?” Guess) | Yoda |