Male Dog Names

When choosing male dog names, there are any number of choices. You can choose a name that makes you laugh, one that makes you feel good or anything you want.  Just remember that you subconsciously identify with the dog’s name, so if you name him Dirtbag or Shithead you will tend to make him one.  You could use the name of your favorite teacher, least favorite teacher, first boyfriend, last boyfriend, favorite actor, or even the President (although we already covered Shithead).  It could be you favorite car, like Mustang, Pinto or Lamborghini.

This is a list of popular names from around the world.  Some of these will be on the funny and redneck lists also.  Some you will never have heard of.


Abel Football Koala Raging Bull Wolfgang
Abercrombie Footsy Kobi Rags Wonderdog
Abidan Gnash Ladron Ragtime Wonton
Abracadabra Gobble Laertes Ragu Xanadu
Acastus Goblin Laker Raider Xavier
Ace Godfather Lamborghini Rain Xeno
Achates Godzilla Lancelot Rajah Xenophon
Achelous Goliath Lapis Ralph Xenos
Acheron Gonzo Larcius Rambo Xerox
Achilles Goose Laser Ranger Xerxes
B.B. Gopher Laslo Rascal Xuthus
Babbit Goran Lassie Rasmus Xylon
Babirusa Gordo Lazirus Raspberry Yabba-Dabba-Doo
Babudius Gorilla Launce Rasta Yahoo
Babushka Gorky Meltdown Ravel Yankee
Baccarat Gort Melvin Raven Yanni
Bacchus Grabber Menage Sabbath Yapper
Baccus Gracchus Menelaus Saber Yoda
Bach Grandeur Menius Safari Yogi Bear
Badger Grasshopper Mentor Saffron Yosemite
Baguette Gratiano Mercutio Sailor Yo-Yo
Bailey Gregory Mered Sake Yukon
Baja Gremio Merlin Salsa Yule
Balasi Gremlin Napoleon Salty Yuma
Balboa Greystoke Napoli Salus Yuri
Balbus Gringo Nathan Salvatore Zebul
Baldric Grits Navajo Sam Zebulun
Baldwin Grizzly Navar Sambo Zeke
Baldy Groucho Navigator Sammy Zenon
Bali Hesperos Nebula Sampson Zenos
Balthazar Hickory Nectovelius Samson Zepellin
Bam-Bam Hinkley Neon Samurai Zephyr
Bamboozler Hippo Nepos Sandman Zeppo
Chipper Hippodrome Neptune Sarge Zero
Chips Hister Neratius Satay Zeus
Chivas Hoagie Nerio Satchmo Ziggy
Cho Mein Hobbit Oscar Saucy Zipper
Chocolata Hobo Osric Sausage Zippity Do Da
Chocolate Hocus-Pocus Ostorius Savage Zoltan
Choctaw Hog Oswald Savoy Zoltar
Cholo Homar Othello Scamper Zombie
Chomper Homeboy Otis Scampi Zooey
Chopin Homer Otos Timon Zoom
Chopper Homey Otto Tiny Zorba
Chopsticks Honcho Otus Tipper Zorro
Chorizo Honky-Tonk Ouija Tippy Zulu
Chotchke Ira Outlaw Tip-Top
Chowder Irad Ouzo Titius
Chubby Iram Ox Titus
Chubfish Iri Oz Toby
Dingo Isaac Ozone Tonga
Dinky Isaiah Ozzie Tongo
Dino Iscah Panos Tonto
Dion Ishbak Panther Tooter
Disco Ishi Panthino Uriah
Einstein Ishtar Papillon Uriel
Elam Jackpot Paprika Uthai
Elek Jacob Papu Uz
Elf Jag Paradise Uzai
Eli Jailbait Paragon Uzal
Eliada Jaison Paris Uzza
Elias Jake Parnach Uzzah
Elmer Jamaica Patches Vasos
Elmo Janus Paternius Vasyl
Elroy Jaques Pathfinder Velius
Elvis Jared Patriot Vencentio
Emerson Jase Patton Veranius
Enchilada Jasen Qantas Verges
Endymion Jasper Quadratus Willoughby
Flicker Kipling Quasi Willow
Flim-Flam Kirby Quasimodo Wilson
Fling Kit Quick Wimpy
Flip Kiwi Quicksilver Windsor
Flipper Klaus Quietus Windy
Floyd Klepto Quincy Wink
Flurry Klondike Quintillius Winston
Foley Klutz Quirk Wipe-Out
Folly Knickerbocker Quixote Wiseguy
Fons Knockout Radar Wizard
Fonzi Knuckles Rage Wizkid




Male Dog Names — 6 Comments

  1. :mrgreen: I fudging LUV dis site, but I can’t figure out which name


  2. THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…Chowder

  3. hi im an awesome dude i really liked your websute so congrats


  4. I’m a K9 officer in a county in Virginia and I named my canine, Phelon. It’s a pretty awesome name. People think it’s funny and tease him for his name….until I hit the door popper and he climbs out….;)

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